Mixed herbal honey - useful and therapeutic properties
Polyflora honey or mixed herbal honey- one of the most universal tools with many useful properties. Its name comes from two words - "polys" (numerous) and "fleur" (flower) and speaks for itself: Bees produce honey collecting nectar from various wild and cultivated plants. Mixed herbal honey is collected from May to August and is used for the treatment and prevention.
Wood mixed herbal honeyThis sort from wood herbs differs with its fragrant aroma and delicate flavor. The main nectar honey plants are linden, hawthorn, raspberries, strawberries and other forest plants. It tastes very sweet and fragrant, with a wonderful strawberry flavor.
Trace elements, in which it is rich, are useful for the human body and provide a protective and recovering effect. It helps in headaches, stress, fatigue, inspirits and provides beneficial effects on the heart. Moreover, this sort is added to the face masks - it moisturizes the skin, protects it and prevent aging.
Field mixed herbal honey
Field plants are among the most useful of honey plants, that's why this sort is so popular among connoisseurs. Bees collect pollen for it both from crops - canola, clover, vetch, buckwheat, and from wild herbs - rocket cress, thistle, wild turnip, blue cornflower.
Field sort contributes to forming and strengthening immunity, has analgesic and antimicrobial properties. It has great benefit in the treatment of colds, diseases of the lungs and stabilisation of blood pressure. Moreover, this sort is a good sedative agent, and drug in treatment of heart, vascular and even gynecological diseases. It is recommended to be used as a diuretic, which excretes toxins.