How is comb honey particularly useful? Propolis contained in comb honey has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing, antibacterial, antifungal properties; normalizes functioning of intestines, prevents caries development, promotes immunity, positively affects the cardiovascular system, treats stomach ulcers, helps in women's diseases, etc.
In prolonged chewing of honeycombs, the honey secrets phytoncids from wax, propolis, pollen, which have both preventive and curative effect on various organs. They enrich it with vitamins, amino acids, proteins, enzymes. Pollen has anti-agingeffect, as it has all the essential amino acids for human body and many vitamins. Comb honey contains biologically active substances produced by the plants and body of bees. Participation of bee in changing the properties of nectar, pollen in the formation of wax and propolis provides comb honey with antibacterial, antiviral, antileukemic, radioprotective and immunogenic properties.
What is the difference between comb honey from the common honey?
Propolis contained in comb honey promotes treatment of bacterial and viral diseases of nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, colds; positively effect on the liver and kidneys; prevents cancer; is a preventive measure for treatment of cardiovascular disease; helps with treatment in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; disinfects mouth, prevents caries debelopment, diseases of gum, etc. Pollen is a natural source of vitamins and minerals; normalizes thyroid function; increases resistance to infections, improves immune system; improves the mental state of the body; is effective in treating depression; restores strength and stimulates mental activity; is effective in the treatment of prostatitis, impotence. When enjoying eating comb honey you will for sure consume a certain amount of wax, which is rich in vitamin A.
In colds it is recommended to chew one tablespoon of combs for 5-10 minutes 4 times a day. After the use it is important to stay in bed or at home.
The systematic use of honey in children normalizes appetite, improves the blood content, increases the strength of bones, stimulates mental and physical development. A piece of comb honey the child will chew with more fun than gargle the throat with medicine.
Comb honey from the time of ancient Egypt has always been highly valued and was the subject of tributes, gifts, dues and trade. Cost of comb honey was high because of its extraordinary benefits. Wax and propolis, honey and pollen, contained therein, are the healing power of this amazing product of nature. For each of us the natural balm has a necessary energy in the form of carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, unsaturated acids, trace elements and flavonoids.
Wax is always fresh in comb frameworks. They do not bred bees, are not clogged from pupae. This is the best wax. Avicenna recommended such wax to be used a small amount (10 grains the size of a millet grain) for the treatment of ulcers of the intestine. A certain amount of wax is consumed during eating comb honey. Such wax brushes gums and tooth enamel plaque of harmful bacteria as a soft brush. Propolis contained in the wax and on walls of honeycombs, destroys the bacteria, which destroy the body. Natural wax contains 5-10% of propolis. In mature comb honey by yet not clear way bees inhibit the development of oxidative processes leading to the emergence of peroxidation products, carbonyl compounds, acids. Perhaps, oxidation inhibitors contained in propolis film contributed to this process. Even in a small amount propolis has bacteriostatic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It also has antibacterial properties, which is largely due to the presence of flavonoids in it. They have anti-inflammatory effect. Flavonoids increase the effect of vitamin C (prevent its oxidation), and inhibit aggregation of red blood cells and platelets, reduce the possibility of blood clots formation. There are different with respect to the solvent fractions in the composition of propolis.
First of all we have interest in propolis fraction that dissolves in water, since it is ingested in the application of comb honey. It was found its antibacterial, bacteriostatic, local analgesic, anti-toxic, antiviral, fungicidal and anti-inflammatory action.
Propolis flavonoids are used for prevention and treatment of many diseases. Defences of the body are also increased due to the unsaturated fatty acid wax and propolis. These acids are included in the structure of cell membranes. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis, lowering blood clotting.
Notable are other positive examples of action of propolis on the human body: treatment of tuberculosis, asthmatic diseases, stomach ulcers, chronic pneumonia.
Increased content of ascorbic acid, carotenoids, chlorogenic and triterpene acids has pollen of willow, great content of vitamins - in pollen of pear, apple, high content of carotenoids - in a dandelion pollen, cherries, and flavonoids - in pollen of meadowsweet and pears. A large variety of useful elements explains the effectiveness of comb honey from spring honey plants.